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Writer's pictureDiocese of Boise

2024 presidential election petitions

Our country has recently suffered through two attempted assassinations of a political candidate. Hateful rhetoric and bad-faith actors have combined to create a situation that is both uncivil, certainly not Christian and dangerous.

As a faith community, our response to the division and threats of violence affecting our political system and country must be to call on God for an increase in understanding, unity and charity.

As Bishop, I am asking that the following intercessions be included in the Universal Prayer at all your weekend Masses leading up to the election on November 5; there is one for each Sunday between now and the week of the election.

Yours in Christ, Bishop Peter

Intercessions for the Sunday Masses from September 22nd

to November 3rd, 2024: For a Peaceful Election and Healing of Division

We include September’s petitions in italics so that all of the election prayers can be of benefit to our ICR readers.

For Sunday, September 22 (Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time):

For all of us in this community and in the country; that, despite our differences, we may approach one another with the faith and trust of a child, so that together we may receive the Father and be one with Him, Let us pray to the Lord.

For Sunday, September 29 (Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time):

For our nation; that we may remember that we are one, stronger and better when we work and pray for, not against, each other. Let us pray to the Lord.

For Sunday, October 6 (Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time):

For a peaceful and productive election season where no party or faction resorts to violence against the other, and the result is a society that cares for the least among them. Let us pray to the Lord.

For Sunday, October 13 (Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time):

For prudence and wisdom during the coming election, so that we may peacefully elect a government that protects the freedom of all people to worship without fear. Let us pray to the Lord.

For Sunday, October 20 (Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time):

Let us pray that in the lead-up to the election, we may approach each other with humility when we encounter a different view than our own, so that we may remain one family at the table of the Eucharist. Let us pray to the Lord.

For Sunday, October 27 (Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time):

Let us pray to see clearly through hateful rhetoric and divisive strat-egies, so that we can always see Christ in our brothers and sisters, and respect and protect each other. Let us pray to the Lord.

For Sunday, November 3 (Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time):

That all may keep the greatest commandments, love of God and love of neighbor, alive in our hearts in the coming week and months, so that our great democracy may continue to thrive in peace and security, let us pray to the Lord.

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